Genius Hour Prep
Monday's genius hour will be at 12:40 p.m. -1:10 p.m. Ideas to start: Need to start a story board for a welcome video for room 220. ...

Webinar with A.J. Juliani on Starting up Genius Hour in Your Classroom
Genius Hour isn’t just a time for students to choose what they want to learn. It’s time for them to find themselves in their creative...

Agenda: July 7th, 2017
1. Show and Tell-Deb made some cool PicCollage board games for her second graders. We ran into a few bumps in the road. A. When making...

Agenda for June 24th (SeeSaw, Edublog, Split screen, #booksnaps, Zip Zap Math)
Deb's Homework: √Add students to edublog √set up seesaw √#booksnap for a small group Kathryn's Homework: √Zap, Zap Math Game 1. More on...
Must Have Apps, Tackk, Edublog, #booksnaps...
1. Tackk.com is dead. Something isn't right about the site. 2. Kathryn's Must have Apps On student iPads Doodle Buddy iBooks iNigma...

Next Meeting: June 20th
Topics to tackle - Suggestions Seesaw Remind Tackk Edublog #booksnap Deb's Homework: Deb is gonna look at Monica Burns Adobe Spark Page. ...

Bitmojis and Snapchat
Deb has a bitmoji! That's awesome. We are friends on snapchat so we can chat together. I learned that you can chat and have JOINT...

#Booksnaps and Twitter
Let's create a #booksnap. Here are a few examples. A typical tweet of mine gets 60-100 views. BUT sometimes people retweet and like...

June 10, 2017 Agenda
Topics to tackle tomorrow - Suggestions 1. Apps Must Have List 2. Adobe Sparks - benefit to use in classroom, projects? 3. Booksnaps -...

Adobe Spark
I (Kathryn) am learning about Adobe Spark. I learned from Monica Burns that "Spark Post is perfect for making graphics, Spark Video lets...