Genius Hour 2.0
Mondays at 2:50 p.m.-3:20 p.m. Week 1: Oct. 29th Monday: Magnificent Thing Thing
iPads Come This Week!
Resources: Tasks Before Apps by Monica Burns Amplify by Kristin Ziemke Hyperdocs Presentation by Theresa Ducassoux (Google Hangout in...

1:1 iPad Plan
Week 1: Small Scavenger hunts daily for 3-4 days With partners, 1 student scans QR code and is in charge reading scavenger questions and...

1:1 iPad Pilot
Yikes! 8 weeks. Right after Thanksgiving we will both have access to 1:1 iPads in a second grade classroom. Homework: Look into Apple...
Genius Hour-Lesson 1
Objective: √ Students will begin to explore their passions. √ Students will guide their own learning and reflect on their own “next...
The Saturday Before School Starts! Ah!
We logged back into After first day of genius hour, kids will work on Bugs and Hugs while Mrs. K and Mrs. F get a few...

Genius Hour Planning
1. Genius Hour Let it go There is no right way to make it go Shark Tank Ideas... 2. Video is up and will be attached to the newsletter...

#geniushour with Joy Kirr
We met Joy Kirr! She is awesome. Handout Notes Here We took a blank piece of paper and wrote down our passions about school as we...

Coding in the Classroom Megan Hacholski and Michael Abramczyk at Simmons Middle School, IT Teacher Why coding? by 2020 new jobs will be...