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iPads Come This Week!


Tasks Before Apps by Monica Burns

Amplify by Kristin Ziemke

Hyperdocs Presentation by Theresa Ducassoux (Google Hangout in November)

Teachers Talking Tech Podcast

10 minute Teacher by Vicky Davis

Week 1:

-Deb will introduce the basics using an iPads in the Classroom Lesson Plan. (See paper copy)

-Students will participate in short Badge Activities for 4 days using hyperdocs and google classroom.

-Flipgrid is used for assessment

-BookSnaps will be created in Seesaw

-Kahoot Quiz (end of the week or early following week)

-Badge activity will include:

#1 taking a picture, airdrop, edit, home button (Kathryn)

#2 creating a flipgrid video (Deb)

#3 BookSnaps and Seesaw (Deb)

#4 Center Stations (Deb)

*Deb will make steps and recordings. Kathryn will edit recordings to Quicktime and upload to google drive and share with Deb.

Day 1: Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Introduction to iPads (see paper lesson)

Enter Google classroom, and begin Badge #1 Take a Picture

*Aiden should use iPad #11

**Need to show how to hit home button twice to get back to hyperdoc from videos.

Day 2: Wednesday, Jan. 17th, 2018

Badge #2 Flipgrid

Take picture of something you are proud of. (Share your successes)

Day 3: Thursday, Jan. 18th, 2018

Badge #3 BookSnaps

Take picture of something you are proud of. (Share your successes)

Day 4: Friday, Jan 19th, 2018

Badge #4 Center Stations

Take picture of something you are proud of. (Share your successes)

Week 2:

-Kahoot Quiz (if not taken the week before)

-Snapping photos of learning

-Create a short Clips video to share "A Day in the Life of a Second Grader". (either whole class or individuals)

-Science activity-Matter activity (See printed lesson)

Week 3:

Literacy activities-Video their book literacy groups and discussions

Compliment conferences-Amplify book by Kristin Ziemke


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