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Agenda for June 24th (SeeSaw, Edublog, Split screen, #booksnaps, Zip Zap Math)

Deb's Homework:

√Add students to edublog

√set up seesaw

√#booksnap for a small group

Kathryn's Homework:

√Zap, Zap Math Game

1. More on Edublog Blogging in Room220 user mrsklarfeld and kathryn's was mrsf253

* We made sure all kids had an email and account in mrsklarfeld.

2. Set up Seesaw.

Parent papers go home to each individual family with their own QR code

We added a picture to all kids on seesaw

We create a #booksnaps with seesaw

3. Zip Zap Math App

It's great but it seems like you have to buy it to get much out of it.

4. Split Screen

BOOM! That's cool. Deb showed me but my screen won't work. I. Will. figure. it. out!!!!! So cool.

5. Scanable- Instead of definitions next to words, show a picture and then QR for a video on the vocab. work.

6. Make a google form for the beginning of the year for new students.

* worked on a pretend survey.

7. Snapchat (How do you add text?)

1. To add a title, open snapchat

2. open camera roll

3. get picture

4. hit edit and send

5. hit pencil icon

6. hit T icon

7. Create text

8. How to make stickers move over a fixed game board

  1. Make a new PicCollage

  2. Click on the + and add picture (this is the background you already made as a picture and saved as a picture in your camera roll.)

  3. Resize to the whole screen.

  4. Tap picture and "set as background".

  5. Hit the + button and add stickers (or web search to find the pictures you want to use as movable players)

  6. Resize stickers, pics from web

  7. Play game!

Deb's homework:

Mess around with seesaw

Mess around with google form for a class survey and then send to K

Accounts in Edublog

Try the interactive word wall

Present math game using pic collage board

Kathryn's homework:

Mess around with my split screen

Next time: Update wix website

Meeting next: July 7th at 12:45 p.m. at Starbucks


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