We met Joy Kirr! She is awesome.
We took a blank piece of paper and wrote down our passions about school as we listened to music. We then talked to a neighbor and shared our thoughts. We then shared what breaks our heart while listening to country music. ;D
What IS Genius Hour?
It is LEARNING: initiated by WONDER, sustained by INTEREST reinforced by PLEASURE INHERENT IN THE ACTIVITY, and then DELIGHT in it's success.-Justin Smith, #Paideia
You gotta do it the way that works for you so it works for you.
WHY? We need to help them be self directed, creative, engaged, empowered, life-long learners BUT WE HAVE TO GIVE THEM TIME TO PRACTICE THESE SKILLS.
Choice=increased motivation and engagement
Student own the learning
The rest of your year ROCKS! (You really get to know your kids.)
Conferring with the kids is REALLY important.
1/2 get a goal sheet and turn it in
next week other 1/2 gets goal sheet and turns it in
So you are meeting all kids every other week
All of your lessons will revolve around your student's skills and needs.
It's not about the PRODUCT, it's the PROCESS.
Seth Godin- Follow him
What are some projects students have done?
Passion by Angela Maiers -to suffer or endure
There is no mastery. Passion becomes your fuel, your soul
If kids give up on a passion product, that's fine. It wasn't really a passion.
Rubric-take a look!
Creativity requires TIME video (in livebinder)
video about creativity in 10 seconds and then 10 minutes
what if you gave them 10 seconds for a sound and then 10 minutes to create a sound.
Ways to Begin
Bulletin Board-kids can add things to it
What are you good at? Ask the kids
Must Haves: (Launch is one order....or?
Receive Feedback
Social Media/Connect with Mentor
KWHLAQ-look it up (trello)
Subject related: How is the U.S. Government involved? What would be a good music question to tie it to music?
How to get started tab
Decisions to make
Let. it. go.
You will not be able to go back. Whether it's genius hour or just choice WAY much more.
Follow on twitter:
Jess-What's your impact?