Hiding Phil Amazon Link

Objective: I can sing the interval s-m. I can use my singing voice. I can sing a solo.
Materials: “Hiding Phil” by Eric Barclay ISBN 780545 604567, iPad, VGA Adapter,
projector, speakers, QR reader (i-nigma)
1) T sets up an iPad so it is displayed through a projector. Speakers and a QR
reader are needed.
2) Teacher reads the book, “Hiding Phi” by Eric Barclay. (Old fashion way of
displaying the book in hard.) When the teacher comes across a QR code, she
will scan the code using the iPad and have them kids watch the gami.
3) Play game. Sing the song a few times. Students close their eyes and sing on s-m, “Phil is hiding everywhere.” T moves somewhere in the room and answers
“Yoo-hoo, yoo-hoo, I’m right here.” (s-m.......d) Students with their eyes closed
point where they heard the solo. Ask them to open their eyes and see if they
pointed in the direction of the T.

4) After a few rounds of this, the T will assign a student to be the new “Phil.”
5) T can assess each “Phil” for a singing voice and on pitch (s-m) as the game