Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus Amazon Link
Objective: Students will be able to sing a short improvised melody using at least two pitches (sm).
Materials: 6-12 iPads, free sock puppets app (or current recording app), speakers and a cable to your iPad, VGA adaptor to connect the iPad to a projector, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems
Day 1:
1. Read the book, Don't Let the Pigeons Drive the Bus by Mo Willems and have the kids sing "oh no" on the s-m when you direct using hand signs. In the middle of the book, there is a chance for all kids interested in singing a solo.

2. Project the iPad on the overhead projector and open Sock Puppets app.
3. Create a scene and choose two characters.
4. Sing a few questions as the pigeon and ask the class to answer back with "oh no".
5. When ready, record the song. Teacher sings as one character and the students sing together as the other puppet character.
6. Wait while the program saves the recording. Play back the recording. (Make sure your iPad is hooked up to speakers so the class can hear the recording well.)
7. Define good singing as a class. Create a short rubric.
8. Create a new scene and new characters.
9. When ready, record and sing again.
10. As a group, reflect on how the performance using “I wonder, I value, I noticed.”
Day 2:
1. Review the process of creating a sock puppet with them. Problem solve volume and other tech problems as you go so they know they can solve some of their problems without the teacher. Show them the red, yellow, green cup system.
3. Create a scene, choose characters, and practice their skit.
4. When ready, send them out in small groups to practice their skit.
5. Teacher walks around and listen and assesses singing voices using the rubric students created.
6. When ready, record in a recording studio their skit and send the skit to the camera roll to then be uploaded to the classroom twitter page or to Seesaw.