The Blair Finch Project
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Hiding Phil
a lesson using Tellagami
Objective: I can sing two pitches with my gentle singing voice.
Materials: Hiding Phil by Eric Barclay, ISBN 978-0-545-46477-2, iPad, Speakers, Cable to connect sound to the iPad. You will need a connector with a stereo mini on one end that connects to the iPad's headphone jack and RCA cables to connect to your sound system, Tellegami App, QR Reader (i.e i-nigma) Optional: Reflector for the laptop
Activity 1: Read the book and ocassionaly stop to sing the song, "Phil is Hiding". (see music below)
Activity 2: Have all students close their eyes and have one student hide in the room. Everyone sings, "Phil is hiding ev'rywhere." Hiding soloist sings, "Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo! I'm right here". Students with their eyes still closed point where they heard the sound. Tell them they may open their eyes and see if they pointed in the right direction.
4-A gentle singing voice was used with accurate pitches on all notes (s-m-d) and in tempo.
3-A gentle singing voice was used wtih accurate pitches on s-m and in tempo.
2-A singing voice was used with inaccurate pitches or a silly voice was used with inaccurate pitch and/or rhythm.
1-There was not a singing voice yet.

If you need a sub lesson,
try this:
Rhythm Dictation
Beat Blocks + Tellagami
For this lesson, the avatar "Cadence" instroduced rhythms that the class would then dictate on to Beat Blocks. All the tellagami videos were embedded on my website hub so students took turns pressing play on the interactive board. When they go home, they could also access it as well. While they were dictating rhythms, I was able to walk around the room to help struggling students or to assess their abilities. It made it so much easier than trying to do it all myself! And now I have these videos to use in following years as well. Oh, and my subsitute teachers had fun with these, too!
Beat Blocks are a handy little manipulative we've developed to make composing, dictating, and arranging a bit easier for young minds. They work with beat, rhythm, melody, harmony, and dynamics easily. Watch the video to see how the kids ""nailed it!" while dictating with Tellagami.
Try the same thing with melodic recognition. Here are some videos I embedded into a quiz. Students would watch and listen to "Cadence" and then respond on their device as a part of a game.
Tellagami is a simple sound recording app that is easy to share. We've used this to create short, informational videos for students to access or rhythms recorded for students to dictate (see examples below). We've found this is a great way to let the students run the class while we can walk around and address their individual needs.
Students could easily use this as a way to create their own avatar, drop in a background, and share information or ask questions about a certain subject. You can record your voice to type text and have it read by one of several voice choices. It's incredibly easy to use, it's FREE, and easy to embed in a website or share. I got the paid version ($2.99 I think) that allows me to save the videos to my camera roll to share easier. You could also take the url and turn them into QR codes or use Aurasma to make images come to life. Try it out! And let your students try it too! This is not too hard for them. It's a simple substitution tool that can definitely augment your classroom but also work into some modification or even redefinition projects! Check out some of our lesson plans to see how we've used it in instruction.